Magnetic Fields Used In Medicine

February 22nd, 2015

Magnetic fields used in medicine is fast becoming one of the more promising areas of medical research.

Already the MRI is long established as the best medical imaging available. Magnetic fields have the advantage of being non-invasive, non-drug and for the most part free from side-effects.

Read the latest on magnetic field therapy here.

Invisible fields, a frontier in science

September 25th, 2009

As the field of quantum physics develops it will continue to open up applications in science and medicine. Over 60 years ago Albert Einstein said that… “The field is the governing agency of the particle”. This was obvious to Einstein then but for the most part main steam science is still stuck in the classic Newtonian physics paradigm that says that biological systems are localised within distinct parts of the human body.

Modern medicine now almost entirely exists in a biochemical model of diagnosis of symptoms, investigations, laboratory tests, X-rays, MRI’s and treatment by pharmaceuticals and surgery to treat disease.

While medicine has made great advances under this paradigm, we are on the frontier of a whole new field of medicine. Magnetic therapy is one such filed. Magnetic field gradients are used in MRI’s to produce images within the body. Now magnetic field gradients are being used to treat pain with remarkable results.

It’s now up to science and research to validate these outcomes and provide greater certainty and reliability to the millions of pain sufferers in the world.

Where did the term magnetic flux generator come from?

September 16th, 2009

The term magnetic flux generator was made famous by Dr Robert Holcomb whose pioneering work at Vanderbilt Medical University has been profiled on numerous TV shows, including Dateline and Australia’s Good Medicine. You can see these shows on the web here… magnets for pain relief.

The first generation of Magnetic Flux Generators were a quadrapolar magnet called Magna Bloc and were comprised of four separate bipolar magnets assembled into a quadrapolar array. The four magnets were then encased in a plastic housing. The scientific breakthrough of these devices was applying a steep field gradient to nerves in order to block pain. 

The next generation quadrapolar magnets or “magnetic flux generators” are called Q magnets and are an even more effective natural pain relief.

Hello world!

March 30th, 2009

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